sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015


Expedition Lost
 Speak with Belden at Aurea Palace

Speak with Macahony at Banuna

Speak with Place

Eyes on Grog

Speak with Macahony

Speak with Robarto

Follow the directions enter the cave and find these barrels

Come back to Robarto to finish the quest.

Home Improvement
 Speak with Gladiola

Go to Jungle and use Sickle on these flowers

Collect Pedestiala Seed, Nymphoria cutting and Paradisia cutting
Come back to town and use these items on places like this:

Come back to Gladiola to finish the quest.

Crocodile Beach
 Speak with Gatireda

Kill 50x

Come back to Gatireda to finish the quest.

 Speak with Badam

Speak with Gronger

Bring him back to the city and protect from other monsters

Come back to Badam to finish the quest.

Stomach Rumbles
 Speak with Dokta and choose first mixture!

Now take items in this order ONLY: Liquid sap -> Flexible bark -> Blooming herb
I offer first to check where each item is and what is the fastest way, because You have to be very fast, so items don't disappear!!

First place Liquid Sap

Second place Flexible Bark

Last place Blooming Herb

Bring these items to Dokta as fast as You can!

Use mixture Dokta gave You

Come back to Dokta to finish the quest.

Fresh Air
 Speak with Heubert

Speak with Dokta

Speak with Heubert again

Do this quest: Freedom of the Ape

Take from here

Speak with Heubert to finish the quest

Freedom of the Ape
Go near Ape cave in the beach to start the quest

Enter this cave

Find and push this button

Speak with Bagunda to finish the quest

 Speak with Place to finish the quest

 Jungle Camp
 Speak with Place

Enter this cave

Speak with Mercurio to finish the quest


Speak with Mercurio

Take near cave where You found Mercurio

Give to Mercurio

Step on this place

Speak with Legba to finish the quest.

 Goddess Judgement

 Speak with Legba and enter portal above Legba

You will be teleported in the room with 4 Goddess Statues, Use Ceremonial Dagger Legba gave You to move these statues

Now put all 4 Statues into Fire

After putting all 4 go to this portal

Take Element Fire and come back to room with 4 Statues

Now do everything the same only put all 4 Statues into Air and take Element Air

Now same with Water

And finally with Earth

After You get all elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth, put Goddess Statues like this: 1 Statue to Water (Right Side), 1 Statue to Fire (Down Side), 1 Statue to Air (Left Side) and 1 Statue to Earth (Up Side). Now enter same portal as before

Now use Water element near water, Fire element near fire and so on...

Now step near this statue

Come back to Legba to finish the quest.

 Jungle Calming
 Speak with Shaka

Shaka will give You which You have to use 3 times near each altar. 2 Times to kill Maloa and third time to Clean Altar!

Use 3 times here!

Use 3 times here!

Use 3 times here!

Speak with Shaka to finish the quest

 Goddesses Temple
 Speak with Shaka

Follow the directions and enter the cave

Find this place in that cave

Now the tricky part comes, it's hard to explain but here it goes

Watch Video

Step on the button and do nothing, You will see Earth

Still do nothing, red carpet appears 2 times and then Fire

Still do nothing, red carpet appears 2 times and then "Green Lake"

Still do nothing, red carpet appears 2 times and then Water

Still do nothing, red carpet appears 2 times and then Air

Now EARTH appears again! step back from button and very fast on button again! Earth will "lock" and stay like this

Now wait till You see this! Step back from button and very fast on button again! Water "locks" now!

Now wait till You see this! Step back from button and very fast on button again! Fire "locks" now!

Now wait till You see this! Step back from button and very fast on button again! Air "locks" now!

Now wait till You see this! Step back from button and very fast on button again! Greenn Water "locks" now!

Enter the Portal and You will be teleported, take Cryptex and enter red carpet!

Speak with Farrsban to finish the quest

Do this quest now: First steps (Other quests)

 First Steps

 Speak with Farrsban

Leave cave and use Crpytex on these 3 red dots

Come near this statue and kill Betrayer

Star dance place

Step like this

Now like this

Now like this

And last step

Enter here and enter cave

Speak with Farrsban to finish the quest

 Creators Temple

Speak with Farrsban

Follow the directions till You find Hurtz

Speak with Hurtz to finish the quest

 Golden Banana
 Speak with Hurtz

Follow directions find and speak with Kurtz

Take Golden Banana

Speak with Hurtz/Kurtz to finish the quest!

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